The Nib issue 5
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Feb 2020

The Nib is a comics magazine with a focus on graphic journalism, exploring current affairs with the personal perspective that comics are so good at providing. This issue’s theme is animals, so there’s no surprise that subjects like animal welfare and conservation loom large, but The Nib specialises in reaching out beyond the obvious and into more unexpected territory.
Matt Bors.
Job title
Editor and Publisher of The Nib.
What is The Nib?
The Nib is a publication for political cartoons and nonfiction comics. We publish on our website and newsletter and in our print magazine.
What makes it different to the rest?
It’s all comics! There aren’t many all-comics publications anymore.
Who makes The Nib?
Me and our editors, Eleri Harris, Matt Lubchansky, Sarah Mirk, Andy Warner, and Whit Taylor make all the comics happen, along with our editorial assistant Delta Vasquez. There are also people who help us out on the tech side and, of course, all our contributors.
Who reads it?
Anyone who likes political cartoons and nonfiction comics, people who like political satire or supporting cartooning.
Why do you work in magazines?
I’ve always loved print and still think it’s a viable model. We publish online a lot and print is a way to get our many readers to give us money and support the whole site — people still like print, especially comics readers.
Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
Running The Nib takes up all my time but I’m a political cartoonist myself so I do a weekly strip for the website.
What would you change about The Nib if you could?
I think I’d just want more staff to help run it!
Where do you see The Nib in five years?
I’d like to see us at least double our subscriber base, if not more, and get back up to where we were before going independent last year. That would mean more publishing and a larger staff as well as more frequency to the magazine.
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