The Move issue 3
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Sep 2017

The Move is a magazine celebrating underground music and club culture. Drawing from a nostalgia over old music titles like Straight No Chaser, editor Tom Armstrong wanted to bring together the underground music community as a force against the rapid rate in which clubs are closing down in the UK. This is for anyone interested in music, records, and clubbing, or readers who want to delve into a thriving world of underground culture.
Keep scrolling for our interview with him…
Tom Armstrong
Job title
What is The Move?
Street culture looked at through the prism of clubbing. It’s a celebration of an age old lifestyle in the UK that includes underground music, records, clothes, drugs and everything else that comes with it.
What makes it different to the rest?
None of us have ever studied journalism. We came into this through being fans first — hopefully that passion and inclusiveness comes through in the mag. It’s never about being nerdy. We just want to make people laugh and tell good stories.
Who makes The Move?
It’s put together by myself and Jyoty Singh (who has a show on Rinse FM) and published by James Brown, of Loaded fame. It’s designed by Adam Gill up in Huddersfield who does a superb job.
Who reads it?
Gilles Peterson. Not gonna lie it feels fucking great saying that. It’s true as well.
Why do you work in magazines?
I feel like you can build a community with a magazine. Through doing The Move we’ve met and worked with so many likeminded people that it makes us feel a part of something positive. Hopefully our readers feel that way too.
What would you change about The Move if you could?
I’d buy up some fucking proper lovely Hawaiian shirts and run our operation from a Caribbean island. Maybe Aruba.
Where do you see The Move in five years?
Calling it on in a stranger’s kitchen talking about moving to Aruba.
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